Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Brown Rice Fajitas

Last nights dinner was brown rice fajitas.
I'm trying to prepare at least 2 totally vegetarian dishes a week.
Since I already had cooked brown rice and sliced onions from Sunday night's prep,
all I had to do was
slice up some home grown green peppers from out back and heat everything through.
Add in some taco seasoning mix and a pinch of salt and pepper, warm up some tortillas,
and we were almost in business!
A quick transfer of grated cheddar from the fridge to a plate, some sliced
home grown tomatoes from Letti's garden and it was
Dinner Al Fresco by the pool.
Watermelon was dessert and swimming immediately
after dinner was preferred over plopping down on the couch for TV.
(no, we don't wait 30 minutes after eating to swim, NEVER HAVE... it a MYTH!)
They never missed the meat. Brown rice has a meaty texture and it is chewy and delicious.
I cooked it all ahead of time for only 25 minutes on Sunday in my Rice Cooker Plus. in the microwave! It was a cinch!


Anonymous said...

HMM, I wonder if my kids would eat it. I have tried the bread. The whole family enjoyed it pizza style with just parma- reggiano cheese. I don't know what I a doing next.

Sandra said...

Did you make the 5 minute bread?
from the book?

Anonymous said...

Yes, I did! The master recipe used as pizza! Yum Yum!