Thursday, June 26, 2008

Enjoy the great outdoors...

Have you ever noticed that everything seems to taste better when eaten outside?
We have been having dinner out back since about March. The boys get giddy about it!
We could be having grass and dirt and they wouldn't care... we'd be eating outside!
Eating Al Fresco doesn't have to be a drudgery.
Just a little planning is all that's needed to have a lovely outdoor experience.
1. invest in food tents. They only cost a couple of bucks and are really helpful in keeping the bugs off your food.
2. Plan ahead. Cut up watermelon into manageable pieces or cubes, make your salad in the morning and just cook the meat part of your meal just before dinner.
3. Keep it simple. Paper Plates, cups, skewers, etc... just have fun and breathe!
4. Make one big trip. Find a great funky tray that can hold everything all at once and set up in record time!
5. Watch your kids beam! Mine love to go play in the yard right after so we can "watch" them.
They get so silly when we are out there with them!
After dinner is done, get out some cards or a board game and
You are all they really want anyway!
Time = love.

1 comment:

Adrian said...

I just ordered the artisan bread book. I am so excited. Thank you for turning me on to this. I really hope it's as easy as it looks!!